Understanding: how crucial role it plays in our lives

We, as human beings, from the day we are born, we are in a constant phase of learning. I am sure we all have certain glimpse of learning ABC, the constant urge of getting better day by day.

Soon this learning transforms into grades and then our world is limited to the competition between our peers, the specific motive of getting ahead in the race from others and that earlier urge sometimes gets swayed away to obtain that first position either in school, college or even in office as we start peeping out to make ourselves better than others. Of course we keep on hearing a lot of people say, “I am only trying to be a better me than I was yesterday”; I think of these things and then I question myself that why the people around us need to fake who they really are. Why can’t they just say that “Yes, I am being competitive because it only brings a better part of me which helps me to sustain in this world”.

Hence I feel that in the race of learning and moving ahead, we sometimes loose the battle of understanding ourselves, our needs, our desires and then we start to live in a shelter as others want us to be. However nowadays we are more technically sound, 24X7 for each other (as our status or tweets reveal for that matter), being in such a networking era, still there is something that has been drifting apart from inside ourselves.

The youth doesn’t have the time to be patient and relax and think for a change to understand their self desire and kudos to those who are lucky to understand their soul.

I somehow feel that loosing relationships is not because of the fact that they couldn’t understand each other, but in reality they actually failed to understand themselves at first. Unless you know who you are and what you want out of your life neither you can excel professionally nor personally.

Therefore understanding plays an important role in our lives in every form of it. Learning can get you degrees from the top of the universities but only understanding gives you the depth of the subject to bring out its practical implication required for the growth in your career.

Most of the times we fight with our siblings or parents or friends for a matter of fact that we misunderstand them or vice-versa. And in that case it is really important to talk to them and find out a solution asap to sort out the differences. Similarly I believe that we need to give ourselves few minutes daily the “me time” i.e. talking to self, for a better understanding of our identity, for who we really are and what we really want.

I would say that if we can get this “me time” in understanding ourselves, then we can surely be able to understand others as well; hence there would be lower suicides in this world, a better productive graph in our professional area and a better place to live without having the feeling of mistrust, despair, hatred and ego.